Either way you only need 2 speaker lines to the stage (then can parallel speakers from there, usually on the stage box). The assumption is you either run a common stereo powered mixer in stereo mode and would need a separate power amp for monitors OR you would run a mono mains/single monitor mix internal amp split. They usually have 2 speaker cable sized returns (14ga) in them along with 2 thin 22/24ga returns for monitor amps. They are not powered anything, they are made for powered (internal amp) mixers. There are what are referenced to as "Powered Snakes". Sending high power speaker level(amp output) signals via a 22/24ga wire, typical in multicore cable, means you will loose a large portion of your signal due to the resistance and could very well turn that line into a toaster element! Don't do THAT! Some older or cheap snakes have unbalanced returns, that can pick up noise easier getting back to the power amps. send/returns can sometimes be jumbled by the web/catalog tech writers (Markertek did that a while back).Ī key item is that ALL the channels are balanced 3 wire types. Be real careful if ordering a snake, the number of channels vs. Assumption is that you send from the stage and then return to the stage where the amplifiers should be (ideally) near the speakers. The Send and Return is referenced from the stage (or stage box).

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